Excuses for skipping a workout fall into 3 categories. First, there are the Legitimate excuses like the flu, back spasms, Mom needs help, dead car battery.
Then there is the category of Utterly Crazy excuses for not working out, such as these:
I had a massage yesterday, and I don’t want to mess that up.
I don’t have any workout clothes to match my mood.
I can’t sweat because the heat makes my eyelash extensions fall off.
I’m going to an awesome party and don’t want to be sore because I plan to do a lot of dancing.
My appetite goes up after I exercise, so I need to take a break so I’ll eat less.
Finally, there’s the category of Poor/Lame excuses, but we like to tell ourselves they are legitimate — Avoid these and say: “NO MORE EXCUSES!”
It’s too hard.
I’m too busy.
I’m too tired.
I’ll do it tomorrow.
My body sucks.
I can’t go to the gym until I get in shape. (Don’t let muffin top, bloated tummy, wobbly thighs, etc., become excuses!)